Did any of you ever listen to the Wee Sing series of tapes as a child? No, well, in a stressful moment yesterday I decided to break out the Wee Sing Silly Songs and relive my childhood. I am sure that the people around me thought I was nuts, especially since I was singing about nuts. And, since there are always times when we need spontaneous randomness I'm going to be silly on my blog:
I'm an acorn short and round,
Lying on the cold, cold ground.
Everybody steps on me.
That is why I'm cracked you see.
I'm a nut (clap, clap)
I'm a nut (clap, clap)
I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut (clap, clap).
A peanut sat on a railroad track
His heart was all a'flutter
'Round the bend came number ten
Toot, Toot, peanut butter.
Hey, I never claimed to be sane. Sanity is overrated.