Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Happy World Menopause Day! (wednesday)

Sunday, October 15, 2006

New Friends

I've just started going to this great "college and career" (aka singles) group at one of the local pres. churches here in Lakeland. It's nice to finally be around a group of peers again, it's been too long. I enjoy the things I'm involved in at my own church and I love the people there, but they are all so much older (or younger) or more married than I am. It's nice to have a niche again. So, to all of you out there, I say find your niche. Don't give up on your opportunities to serve, but make fellowship with people of the same walk and time of life a priority. Kapish!

Friday, October 06, 2006

Wee Sing

Did any of you ever listen to the Wee Sing series of tapes as a child? No, well, in a stressful moment yesterday I decided to break out the Wee Sing Silly Songs and relive my childhood. I am sure that the people around me thought I was nuts, especially since I was singing about nuts. And, since there are always times when we need spontaneous randomness I'm going to be silly on my blog:
I'm an acorn short and round,
Lying on the cold, cold ground.
Everybody steps on me.
That is why I'm cracked you see.
I'm a nut (clap, clap)
I'm a nut (clap, clap)
I'm a nut, I'm a nut, I'm a nut (clap, clap).
A peanut sat on a railroad track
His heart was all a'flutter
'Round the bend came number ten
Toot, Toot, peanut butter.
Hey, I never claimed to be sane. Sanity is overrated.