Thursday, August 18, 2005

Oh no you didn't!

(yes, just like it sounds in your head.) I'm a little perturbed right now because someone verbally attacked one of my sisters in a very public way. You know how when you are growing up you can pick on your siblings but if any one else messes with them you want to knock a little sense into them. Well, that doesn't seem to change once you get older. The thing is that my family has proved over and over that you don't mess with us because there are too many of us for you to pick a fight with (we even like to bring in the cousins). My brother actually drove home from college one time because he was worried about our little sister.
Anyway, I just needed a place to vent, because as much as I would like to retaliate I know that the person who said the mean things was acting out of hurt and jealousy. And, my sister doesn't need people feeding her anger, she needs someone to listen and encourage. I realize this, I'm just still a little ticked. So, word to the wise, don't mess with my little sisters...we like to move in a clan!

Monday, August 15, 2005

Have you ever played Pooh Sticks?

Well, have you? I have, on a bridge, over a creek, in Germany, with a cool friend named Martha! And if you don't know what Pooh sticks is, you are being deprived of an integral part of any normal childhood, complements of A.A. Milne.
I had a nice chat with my dear friend Lydsie today. It was wonderful.
And, for those of you mortified by the fact that I seem to have no apparent respect for my elders, I talked to my high school English teacher the other day, it was a good conversation, and I politely wave at her every day as I drop my sister off at school. Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that I have figured out when to keep my mouth shut (you can ask Mrs. H about that) but at least I'm being nice.
Have you ever played the game Apples to Apples? Great game, lots of laughs! You should try it some time. Another fun game, with a morbid title, Killer Bunnies! Oh yeah!
Well, my sister is sending her death stare psycho vision into the back of my head, I think that means she wants me to get off...Ciao!

Friday, August 05, 2005

Random Thoughts...I warned you!

Do you know that there is this cool book (okay, cool is relative) that teaches you how to draw a radish. Actually, it's a book on procrastination that was given to me, the queen of procrastination, by another wonderful procrastinator friend of mine. (Oh, she know's me so well.) Well, I just thought I'd mention it because I found the book when I was cleaning my room the other day and instead of cleaning I ended up reading the whole book...yes, procrastinating.
I work with this seventy year old man named Earl. He's a rather crochety old fellow and likes to snap at me when I goof around, which is often. But, he can't make me angry because every time he starts to snap at me I think about the Dixie Chicks' song, Earl, and I get a little tickled and start singing in my head and then it's okay!
I saw my old English teacher this morning. I tried to drive away before she saw me, but to no avail. She asked me if I was trying to get away without talking to her. I said "yes"! My mom was mad. Hey, at least I was honest.
A dear friend of mine called me at work the other day with some important news. Congratulations dear friend, you know who you are! Oh, and I'm praying. Oh, and send pictures. Oh, and did you get the package yet?
Wanna hear a too!
I have to work at eight am tomorrow morning. It's midnight and I just got home from a rather depressing bachelorette party, drunk light weights are no fun. But, I did get to see some old friends. Don't worry I'm not intoxicated, this is the way I think all the time.
Now, I'd like to apologize to subjecting you all to this. And, if you actually made it down this far in the post, my condolences, did I spell that right?