that there are words in the dictionary that have probably only been used by one person, ever.
I had to look up a word for my sister, I was helping her with a project, and because I am a nerd I started looking at different words in the dictionary. I must confess, I love dictionaries. I love knowing what words mean, even if I will never use them in my life, it's still fun to know them. So, here's a few words I've decided to put on my vocab list: naugahyde (which was actually already in my vocabulary), basophobia, didymous, and finally variorum. Want to know what they mean, look it up!
For those who have asked, I leave for Germany on Mother's Day, I'm going back to BFA and I'll only be there for 10 days, I have to come back for my cousin's wedding. Of course, if anyone is willing to lose enough weight to meet the 70 lb. weight limit on suitcases, I'll stuff you in my baggage and take you along!