Friday, August 05, 2005

Random Thoughts...I warned you!

Do you know that there is this cool book (okay, cool is relative) that teaches you how to draw a radish. Actually, it's a book on procrastination that was given to me, the queen of procrastination, by another wonderful procrastinator friend of mine. (Oh, she know's me so well.) Well, I just thought I'd mention it because I found the book when I was cleaning my room the other day and instead of cleaning I ended up reading the whole book...yes, procrastinating.
I work with this seventy year old man named Earl. He's a rather crochety old fellow and likes to snap at me when I goof around, which is often. But, he can't make me angry because every time he starts to snap at me I think about the Dixie Chicks' song, Earl, and I get a little tickled and start singing in my head and then it's okay!
I saw my old English teacher this morning. I tried to drive away before she saw me, but to no avail. She asked me if I was trying to get away without talking to her. I said "yes"! My mom was mad. Hey, at least I was honest.
A dear friend of mine called me at work the other day with some important news. Congratulations dear friend, you know who you are! Oh, and I'm praying. Oh, and send pictures. Oh, and did you get the package yet?
Wanna hear a too!
I have to work at eight am tomorrow morning. It's midnight and I just got home from a rather depressing bachelorette party, drunk light weights are no fun. But, I did get to see some old friends. Don't worry I'm not intoxicated, this is the way I think all the time.
Now, I'd like to apologize to subjecting you all to this. And, if you actually made it down this far in the post, my condolences, did I spell that right?


Blogger Lydia said...

Yay for the radish book! I still have the dollar bill that i learned how to fold up to look like a shirt. it's stuck in ezekiel. : )

5:40 PM  
Blogger mama's brown girl said...

Hi meg! It's annalauren. hows u? i read your comment on my blog and so i finally posted a bit more. :) comments encourage me! because if there are none, i think no one's reading it and feel like i'm blogging to the air. or something.
Anyway, what are you up to?!
miss you.

10:50 AM  

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