Tuesday, July 25, 2006


This is my family, well most of us. My sister Callie is missing, and a few cousins and an Aunt, but that's about it. My Grandfather's family has been doing this for 25 years, hence the matching shirts (which my bro designed).

Monday, July 24, 2006

Let the Count Down Begin

Well, my personal marker that the summer is nearly over was the Boutwell Family's annual reunion. Since it happened this past weekend I suppose I should face the inevitable, put my nose to the grindstone and finish those stinkin' lesson plans. If only I knew how! Transitioning to teaching has been interesting (not that I am actually teaching yet). I'm trying to adjust my sleeping schedule to going to bed earlier and getting up earlier, but it isn't working. My mind keeps telling me that all the good stuff happens after 11:00pm.
The good news is: I no longer work at the Pharmacy. (Think Hallelujah Chorus!) In fact, knock on wood, I may never have to work there again!
Today and tomorrow, I am sucumbing to vanity and working on my tan, then I suppose I'll buckle down and work on those darn plans.
I'm off, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYDIA! (by the way).