Saturday, June 17, 2006


Interestingly, in the reading I have been doing to try and bring myself up to speed on the philosophies that are out there concerning teaching I ran across this thought provoking excerpt in the book Ideas Have Consequences by Richard Weaver. He is talking about the role of women in today's society (well, today being the 1960s) and he blames the current women's "lib" situation on men.
"Today, in addition to lost generations , we have a self-pitying, lost sex...putting [woman] on a level with the male is more truly a degradation than an elevation. Perhaps it was the decay of chivalry in men that proved too much. After the gentlemen went, the lady had to go too. Women of the world's ancient regime...knew where the power lies. They knew it lies in loyalty to what they are and not in imitativeness, exhibitionism and cheap bids for attention."

I am sure that anyone could read what I just quoted and decide that I am all for Suzie Homemaker and am "backwards." But, really, what I wanted to consider was that the decline of chivalry is what spurred on the women's movement. So, in some ways, I am saying to the men I know who think feminists are all whack jobs, that they hold some responsibility, as a gender, as well.
I promise in the elipses I am not cutting out anything important, Mr. Weaver is just a tad long winded. I just thought it was an interesting thing for him to say. And I think he is respecting women as he says it.
Comments? Insight? Arguments? I'll take them all.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Teaching 101

When I first moved to Germany I wished that I had taken German in college. Today, I'm wishing that I had taken at least one education class while at Covenant. While I was at school the other day signing my contract I was given a list of recommended reading to better understand teaching at a classical school. (Don't ask me what a classical school is, at least not yet.) Anyway, I was given a rather long list, and I went on Amazon and found all the books used. Why buy them? Because the language is so thick that I have to write in the margins to understand what I'm reading. I feel like I'm in college all over again, and honestly, after two years of being out of the routine, I'm not sure I'm doing so well jumping back in. Not to mention that my dorm room didn't have internet access or a television. Have I ever mentioned that I am easily distracted? My desk faced the wall (instead of the window) for a reason.
Right now, while posting, I'm also apartment hunting. Sadly, being a teacher is a significant increase in pay. Teachers don't make much money, which tells you what a pittance I receive from my current place of employment. So, with the increase in pay I should be able to afford an apartment. I'm not sure who's more excited, me or my parents (who keep offering to help me move.) So, I get to move out. Any chance anyone wants to move to Lakeland? I'm looking for a roommate!
So, this is my family. Not the greatest picture in the world, but the photographer didn't know what he was doing. Hopefully my brother will email me a better pic soon!