Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Yeah for Pictures!

This is Erin and myself at Charissa's rehersal...we're bored, can you tell?
Becky and Lydia, two former roommates, got ahold of my camera, actually I gave it to Lyd, what a mistake.
Can you say beautiful...this is the other Megan, wedding number one...for wedding number two check out Lydia's blog.
Ashley DeBardeshlehe! yep, leading a kidnapped bride out on the town for her last single night.
Loft: Jess, Lyd, Lael, Patty, Megan, Heather W., Nicole, Me
Heather N., Rochelle, Joy, Emily...and we accidentally forgot Erin (oops).


Blogger Lydia said...

Do you know something I don't know? I don't have any pics of Charssa's wedding- I think it's Jess that has all those... We need to get all those pictures together! Thanks for posting all these though!

4:39 PM  
Blogger Heather said...

lyd, i took lots of pics of Charissa's wedding, so if any come out I will make lots of copies and scatter them to the four winds...courtesy of the USPS!

10:49 AM  

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