Tuesday, June 28, 2005


So, I can now legally drive in the states...well, I could before, but there would have been a whole lot of questions had I been pulled over. I went and got my Florida driver's license today. The DMV in good ole Lakeland is crazy. I didn't have to wait as long as I expected, but well, I encountered some interesting people.
First, I think I was cursed with some family trait that makes people want to talk to you. My dad and his sisters have it too, and although they like it, I don't really care for this quality. So, I got to talk to some interesting people.
Then, there was the woman with the spanish accent, who had to be around 75 years old. Whenever the woman behind the counter asked her a question, she would say, "Hea, speak up, I can't hear you." And then when asked to read a line of letters in the little vision thingy she couldn't do it. BUT, they issued her a driver's license anyway. Doesn't it make you feel safe to think you are driving on the roads with her behind the wheel.
Also, there as a guy who was blind in one eye, had multiple DUIs and had been arrested at some point for something. When he had to have his vision checked he couldn't see half the numbers and kept on messing up. Finally, the clerk said, "good enough," and issued him a driver's license as well.
So, now that those two have their driver's licenses and are out on the road I think I'm going to become a recluse and never come out of my house...it's too dangerous.


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