Monday, September 12, 2005

Oh, man!

Okay, when I was little (maybe 5-8) whenever my mom wanted me to sign a card, like for birthdays or something, I would always misspell my name. My mom thought there was something seriously wrong with me. But when you live in the south and your name is Megan it is pronounced "Maaay-gen" so whenever someone said to sound it out, I did, and then spelled my name wrong - Magen - yes, I know, it's sad.
Oh, but wait, it gets even sadder (with the grammar wrong in honor of my roommates from college). I just did it again. I just misspelled my own name. It's forgivable when you are five, but I'm twenty- (cough) and I should be able to spell by now, especially my own name. Somebody please tell me you have this problem. On second thought, maybe you shouldn't and I'll just face the ridicule alone!


Blogger Lydia said...

If it helps meg, I often type my name wrong- not quite the same, i know, but there have been many an e-mail i have signed "Lud" and later corrected. probably a few have escaped my notice...

1:57 PM  
Blogger jesse elisabeth said...

hehe...megan...u crack me up...i don't have that name just gets misspelled by everyone else...actually sometimes i forget the k in my last name when i'm signing somethng fast...i dunno if that helps...but it's ok..yur getting *cough*...old!....hehe..just kidding...i luv you!...come see me!!!

3:43 PM  

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