Wednesday, March 22, 2006


I want to be here, enjoying the scenery and remembering the last time I was in this place (minus Anna Lauren's infamous cinnamon rolls...ask Lydia).


Blogger mama's brown girl said...

What, you didn't like them? I thought I was being original... NOT.

I was crestfallen to hear that you don't like your editing job. See, I'm looking for work as well at the moment (to start in August) and although I've been keeping my eye out for publishing type stuff (not that there ARE any jobs in that) I have had the same question in the back of my noggin... Won't I hate it? Won't it be mega-boring, just me sitting in a corner bleeding on a stack of papers? But at the same time it's like Yeah but that's what I've wanted to do for like 6 years... hm. how did you manage to get the job, seeing as how you'd been looking so long w/ no results?

Lost in space

5:23 AM  
Blogger Heather said...

that is the most beautiful city in the world...

5:42 PM  

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