Tuesday, April 26, 2005

To Infinity and Beyond...or maybe just Poland!

So, yeah, I went to Poland again. Really the main point of this post is to rub it in Jesse's face as much as possible that I went to Poland, that's right I said Poland. Actually, I wish Jesse could have gone with me. She would have liked to but, well, she has priorities...like homework and passing the tenth grade.
Poland was wonderful. I have decided to describe it as quality time, in a quality place with quality people. The best part of all: I feel like I was ministered to, and was able to minister to others all at the same time. By far this was my most peaceful weekend off ever.
One more thing: I started thinking about what it means to yield our lives to Christ. I think I often limit yielding to the traffic sign definition, I give Christ the right of way in my life. But, I'm learning that there is more to it than that. Not only does Christ have the right of way, but he also receives the "produce of my crop" or what the field yields. Meaning that it isn't just that I give Christ my life, yielding to him, but I also give Christ all that I do with my life, everything that it involves. Hmm. Not too deep, I realize, but something I need to ponder anyway.
So, off to more adventures. This time:Kandern Soccer Field. My mission: Get the JV team to do a good corner kick. We'll see how it goes!


Blogger jesse elisabeth said...

hmph....thanx alot megan!!!...just RUB IT IN!!!!...and i so coulda gone and still done all my hmwrk...and i really don't think passing 10th grade is a huge problem for me...SOOOOO wanted to go...heather was telling me all the people that she met that i had already met and i was likE AHHHH....i wanna see em again!!!...arg...but anyways...i'll get over it...moving on...so didi you accomplish yur mission...i can never really tell...cuz i play defense and MY missions is to MAKE SURE they DON'T get a good corner kick...so yeah...then we had to go anyways...kinda ran outta time...well...gtg eat bkfast...c ya...jess

12:54 AM  

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